Monday, June 20, 2011

ask her if she sings...

we finished reading one of my favorite short stories on friday (literally this book only has 58 pages, i think it took a total of 30 minutes to read a loud to my students) but i seriously love it. love love it. but my favorite part, is that today we started watching the movie....

and, i feel as if i shouldnt be saying this as a teacher....but this is one of those stories, where i prefer the movie over the book. maybe because i saw the movie as a little girl way before i read the book, oe maybe because the movie is so much more detailed, or maybe because still to this day, i find the movie simply magical. who cares the reason. its one of those movies, where the only person that understands the love i have for this movie is my mom. its just one of those things we have.

any who, whats happy is that my students are really enjoying it, and i am just loving every minute of it. seriously, if you haven't watched this trilogy, please you won't regret it :)

i swear, every time i watch this movie, i get the biggest chills when they round the corner, and the kids see the wagon, and her yellow bonnet... beautiful.

{for some reason i can't embed the video. so click here}


  1. Teary that's what I am...Now I am missing you and teary. You are my girl...<3

  2. Oh! I love that movie and haven't watched it in forever! My sister and I must track it down I think . . .:)
