went to thriller AND drowsy chaperone with kym a couple weekends ago.
it was magical and happy and i enjoyed every moment.
it seriously is one of the most creative productions ever.
its a must see for all.
got to go home home HOME this past weekend
it was just swell.
i hadnt been home since i moved to SLC in august,
so it was a much need trip.
AND my mom always goes out for halloween
so i was excited just to be there.
kym and i recently decided to both start watching our movies in abc order
haha it sounds so funny, and so ridiculous
but im quite enjoying myself.
im almost through with the 'A's
and some of them i haven't watched in years probably.
i sure love movies. and i sure do have a sweet collection
going to park city tomorrow for the first time!
sooooo excited
yesterday was my last day in my combo class of 4th/5th grade
it was absolutly tragic
and i was borderline on the verge of tears a few times
pathetic maybe, but these kids are incredible.
i have loved every minute of this expereince
and i just pray that my time in 3rd grade goes half as great as this did
and then i pray that i can find a job soon after :)
some of my goodbye cards were just too great!
1. "Dear Miss Ward. Im really gong to miss you. I think that you are the best student teacher in the hole univers. i beg of you don't live please. your student, amelia"
(haha dont live? ha i hope she meant dont leave)
2. "Dear miss ward. i think its rude that you are leaving. but its ok. dont leave! math will not be the same without you. well, nothing will be the same with out you!"
(believe me, i could stay i would!)
3. "Dear mrs. ward. why in the world do you have to go? i know, but I'll miss you tons. You are a wonderful student teacher. Trust me there were some i never talked to. Go and be a great teacher! I'll miss you"
(i think thats my new life motto :) go and be a great teacher!)
4. one girls card that she drew had 'happy birthday' scribbled out and then underneath said goodbye. when she gave it to me she said, i dont know why i started writing happy birthday, but i fixed it so its ok.
(serious, it is the funniest thing ever)
voting for
this closed on monday.
im such a nerd, but my fingers will be crossed until Dec 1st when they announce the winners.
spiced orange harvest.....spiced orange harvest......spiced orange harvest.
i LOVED the movie
Valentines Day. except that patrick played the bad guy...grrrr.
but now they are in talks for a New Years Eve movie...featuring Lea Michelle
and possibly Zac Efron...
best news ever? i think yes.
just in case you were wondering, my computer crashed
that why i have been MIA this week.
luckily its back to working properly
and i just pray that it continues to do so.
can. not. wait.
he is my soul mate im pretty sure.
my mom sent me
this commercial the other day
i laughed so hard there were tears.
rocky horror glee show?
heck yes.
im nervous but excited.
maybe i will sing a song called, nervous but excited.
going to the 3rd grade on monday.
wish me luck!