Wednesday, April 15, 2009

uncontrollably pathetic

my obsession with the Eiffel tower is in fact getting worse with each passing day. today as i was walking from class to class in the beautiful spring rain, i began to imagine my purely imaginary trip to the Eiffel tower and other surrounding Parisian wonders, and i came to the conclusion that i must be there in the has to rain at least one day. i imagined the undeniable beauty of the fresh rain and the the amount of sheer joy i would be experiencing. seriously, very few things would make me so happy haha. so naturally while letting my imagination flow...i planned my outfit. yes, i did indeed. here are some close examples:

Because really, what could be better than a bright yellow trench coat? I love this!! My green one is almost this great :)

I love rain boots. A lot. But look at these? I mean come on! They are SHINY!! If those aren't cool, then there is no such thing as cool. haha

I feel that this would just be the perfect scarf or headband. Its damask...I love the damask print almost as much as I love the Eiffel Tower.

The print says it all. I think umbrellas are magical, and heck, if there is one with the Eiffel Tower on it, It's basically the most magical thing on earth.

I just enjoy this picture. Its just utterly joyful.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your style (and ill wear it all with you) and i would LOVE to go the the Eiffel Tower with you! It has been a dream of mine as well! LET'S GO!
